About Us

Federation of Latvian Aviation Trade Unions is the nexus for exchange of information, sharing of opinions, formulaton of strategy and engagement of joint action for the betterment of the Latvian aviation community. It is in all our interest to support a thriving, profitable, growing aviation and aerospace industry in Latvia and to ensure that all of the dedicated, hard-working professional personnel participating in our industry share in the rewards and benefits of our common success.

The best way to raise the standard of living for all people in our society is to provide the optimal transport, communication and infrastructure to power and lead the growth of the economy of Latvia and its neighbors. This requires the respect, cooperation and joint efforts of all segments of our community and industry.

The mission of the Federation of Latvian Aviation Trade Unions is to communicate, coordinate and facilitate among the various constituencies in order to achieve this goal of "A rising tide lifts all boats" to the benefit of all Latvians in every walk of society.

Message from the Chairperson of LAAF

The Latvian Federation of Aviation Trade Unions is an autonomous, independent organisation which unites aviation trade unions and air transport workers regardless of their place of work and affiliation, to include commercial aviation, aviation training institutions, air clubs, etc. LAAF is part of the Latvian and international trade union movement. The basic principles of LAAF are equality and openness of trade union members and organisations and, above all, solidarity in the issues of safety, operational, economic, security and matters of fairness, anti-discrimination, equity and justice.

The aims and objectives of LAAF include:

  • Strengthening the Latvian Federation of Aviation Trade Unions and creating a favourable environment for the activities of trade unions;
  • Consolidation of organisations of LAAF to achieve common goals;
  • Representing and defending LAAF members and declaring their economic, social, professional rights and interests.
  • Representation of LAAF members and organisations in social dialogue with the employers, promotion and defence of the interests of its members and their trade organisations before the Latvian Free Trade Union Confederation (LBAS), public administration bodies, prosecutor's offices, courts and other organisations;
  • Providing legal and advisory assistance in the conclusion of collective labour agreements between the trade unions and the employers;
  • Providing legal and professional assistance and advice to LAAF members and organisations to resolve disputes and various conflicts.

Your ideas, participation and energetic support are not just welcomed: they are critical and required in putting forth and protecting our joint success and future as a community.

We look forward to hearing from you through the “Contact Us” page and at e-mail  LAAF@LAAF.LV

In Solidarity,

Aušra Straume